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Frequently Asked Questions 
  • Is there a minimum age for attendance at TSGSM?
    To attend TSGSM, a student must be at least seven years of age and be able to read at first-grade level. Seven-year-olds must be accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult. Children who are eight years of age may attend without an adult; however, if maturity level affects performance in the classroom, the parent may be asked to come and get the child.

  • May an adult stay on campus with a child but not attend the classes?
    An adult may stay with a child, but would be required to pay the registration fee of $25 and $350 for room and board. No tuition fee would be required.

  • Are private rooms available to adult students?
    It is not possible for any student to have a private room at the current location of the TSGSM.

  • May an individual attend only one week?
    Yes, but it is highly recommended that a student attend both weeks if at all possible. One-week students are charged $150 tuition plus $175 for one-half of the room and board fee. For students with little or no musical background, it is recommended that they attend the first week for maximum benefit.

  • May a student take more than one set of the same private lessons?
    Yes, but it is not recommended because the student must take a lesson each day, and students may not realize twice the amount of benefit because there is simply not enough practice time.

  • When will I find out my private lesson schedule?
    The schedule of private lessons will be posted in the dining hall. You will need to look at the schedule every morning to check for modifications.

  • What is the typical daily schedule at the music school?
    The day starts with breakfast from 7:30 - 8:15 followed by a devotional at 8:15 a.m. Day classes are held from 8:30 a.m. until approximately 3:00 p.m. with a break for lunch at 11:30 a.m. Night classes are held from 6:00-7:10 p.m. For more details, see School Information page.

  • How can I get a copy of the 2024 recording and/or group picture?
    There will be no CD's made of the 2024 recording; however, the recording will be available online and may be purchased on the website. To get a group picture, an order form will be enclosed with the letter mailed to pre-registered students no later than June 1, 2024. Bring the order form to Registration on June 16, 2025.

  • May a commuting student purchase meals in the cafeteria?
    Yes. Meals costs will be $7.00 per meal.

  • Are there classes on Friday night of the first week of music school?
    No. Students may leave or may be picked up by parents at 3:00 p.m. to go home for the weekend.

  • Are students who live too far away to go home over the weekend allowed to stay in the dorm?
    Yes. Students who are 18 years of age and older may stay in the dorm for an additional fee of $15 per night (Friday and Saturday). Students who are under 18 must have a parent or other responsible adult stay with them.

  • Is the cafeteria open on the weekend?
    No. Students who stay over the weekend will need to bring extra money to purchase meals for Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday.

  • Are there laundry facilities at the Impact Camp?

  • May a licensed driver under 21 drive his or her car on campus?
    No. The student may park his/her car at the dorm and walk to classes as all other students do.

  • Are there restrictions on cell phone use?
    Yes. Students are allowed to have cell phones; however, they are required to have them turned off when participating in group singing, private lessons, or classes. Students under 21 who abuse the privilege of cell phone use will be required to turn their cell phones in to a dorm parent before lights out each night.

  • Are dorm parents assigned to each group of students?
    Yes. There is a dorm parent assigned to each age group of students attending the TSGSM.

  • Is security provided for students attending TSGSM?
    Yes. TSGSM provides a security person for our students.

  • Are there any other music schools offered?
    Yes. Click Useful Links tab for a list of other southern gospel music schools or go to

  • My question isn't answered here.
    You can email us by clicking on the email link at the bottom of the page.