Donations The Texas Southern Gospel School of Music (TSGSM) is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization, and all gifts to the TSGSM are deductible for federal income tax purposes. This non-profit status allows us to provide scholarships to students with financial need and extraordinary musical talent. Our goal is to provide any student interested in gospel music the opportunity to learn from highly qualitied teachers in the areas of songwriting, vocal and instrumental performance, music ministry, and various careers in the music industry. Your support not only allows the TSGSM to provide opportunities for students to continue their studies in music who might not otherwise be able to, but also to preserve a true American music art form. The Texas Southern Gospel School of Music is not sponsored by or affiliated with any particular church or denomination; however, our school is based on Christian principles. We depend on financial support from our alumni, parents, and friends. Our Board of Directors secure funds for TSGSM by contacting alumni, businesses, corporations, other individuals and friends in the field of southern gospel music. Non-designated scholarships and other contributions to TSGSM are tax deductible. You may donate a scholarship in honor of or in memory of an individual or family. Please submit your contribution using the form below. If you prefer to use snail mail, please send information to our treasurer, Pauline Thompson, 305 Trailwood Drive, Crockett, TX 75835. Donations to the Texas Southern Gospel School of Music, Inc. may be made at any time. Partner with us (see form below) and provide a young person an opportunity of a lifetime. Donations for any amount will receive a receipt for tax purposes.
Use this form to make donations. You can select to either make a one time donation or setup for recurring donations.
Recurring Donation: Enter the amount to donate, and how often you wish to make donations. Donor Levels |
Grand Staff Partner: $10,000+
Music Partner: $5,000 - $9,999 Unison Partner: $2,500 - $4,999 Sharp Partner: $1,000 - $2,499 Liz Autry Interval Partner: $ 500 - $999 Annabelle Anderson |
Crescendo Partner: $ 250 - $ 499 Barefoot Family Chorus Partner: $ 100 - $ 249 Norma Raspbeary Dynamic Partner: $ 1 - $99 Wilda Capehart
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